"That's some catch, that Catch-22," he observed.
"It's the best there is," Doc Daneeka replied.
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Rock Hudson and Bea Arthur sing about every drug under the sun ...
The only thing to fear...
Much of the current alarm is generated from the knowledge that many of today's terrorists simply want to kill, and kill more or less randomly, for revenge or as an act of what they take to be The shock and tragedy of September 11 does demand a focused and dedicated program to confront international terrorism and to attempt to prevent a repeat. But it seems sensible to suggest that part of this reaction should include an effort by politicians, officials, and the media to inform the public reasonably and realistically about the terrorist context instead of playing into the hands of terrorists by frightening the public. What is needed, as one statistician suggests, is some sort of convincing, coherent, informed, and nuanced answer to a central question: "How worried should I be?" Instead, the message the nation has received so far is, as a Homeland Security official put (or caricatured) it, "Be scared; be very, very scared -- but go on with your lives." Such messages have led many people to develop what Leif Wenar of the University of Sheffield has aptly labeled "a false sense of insecurity."
- Cato Institute report A False Sense of Insecurity
Vivus prize essay: "There may be a hidden irony in environmentalism that worships biodiversity but derogates consumerism, if both result from the same imperatives of sexual signalling."
YouTube - Anne Coulter - Clueless
This is snipped from the most recent Harper's. These people are insane, and should be kept isolated in their own little corner somewhere, not anywhere within earshot of the decider.
It turns out there's an upside to the current conflict between Israel and Hezbollah—if you're waiting for the second coming of Christ. Here's a selection of excited messages spotted over the last few days on the Rapture Ready/End Times Chat online bulletin board. By Ken Silverstein.Praise God! We are chosen to be in these times and also watch and spread the word. Something inside me is exploding to get out, and I don't know what it is. Its kind of like I want to do cartwheels around the neighborhood.
* * *
In another thread, someone brought up the fact that the kidnapping of the first Israeli soldier that started this whole thing was on June 25th and if you count from that day to August 3rd.......it is *EXACTLY 40 days!!!!!*
I find that to be a HUGE coincidence.
* *
Culture devouring itself
the show with zefrank - 05-05-06
Text messaging using your email client. Works flawlessly with all cellphones in the US and Canada.
J is for Japan?